Sharjah Food Safety Program


Sharjah Food Safety Program (SFSP) is a new initiative run by Sharjah Municipality to make the food you eat as safe as possible in our beloved Emirate of Sharjah. All food sites receive appropriate training in hygiene and food safety, and implement a food safety system at their sites.

Service Steps


The candidate must be present on the booked day when applying for the exam


Location: Mleiha Municipality

Service Requirements

  •   Submit the required data.

  •   Payment of exam fees.

Service Conditions

  •  Training halls: Training takes place only in a training hall pre-approved by the Sharjah Food Safety Program Administration.

  •   Trainers: Training is conducted only by trainers approved in the program.

  •  The number of trainees per training course: Training companies must ensure that the number of trainees in each course does not exceed 15 trainees.

  •   Training languages: Training takes place in only one language in the course and translation into other languages is not allowed, provided that the trainer and all trainees are able to speak and understand the language approved in the course.

  •  View terms and conditions

  •  Training Curriculum: Training takes place in accordance with the approved curriculum in the programme.

  •  Training materials: Training takes place only using training materials approved in the program.

  •   Training materials for the trainee: The training company is responsible for providing training materials for each trainee according to the approved language within the course.

  •   Course planning: Training companies must pre-plan the courses and inform the program management well in advance.

  •  Training course time period: The approved time period for the Good Health Practices course is not less than 6 hours (one day), and the HACCP course is not less than 18 hours (3 days).

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